Friday, November 21, 2008

Guess what?

For all the friends and family that may not know, I am "great with child" again. I am only 8 wks not 3 months as the nurse first told me (thank heavens for ultrasounds). My new EDD is July 4, 09. If the baby is a girl we will name her Eliza Jane. We don't have a boy's name yet. Craig wanted to name him Bono (U2 lead singer). I will be happy with either one, as long as they come one at a time. The picture is from Halloween. Riley is a hip hop artist, Craig is his manager and I am his security guard. The new baby will be Riley's back up dancer.


Aubrey Scott said...

Keith wanted me to tell you guys you are crazy for having two kids while in school. Ha, Ha. We have two kids and He's in school. Anyways. Congrats!! I'm so happy for you guys.

The Pingel Family said...

What a great name for a little girl. I love it! Well, we will see what you get! And congratulations!

Kelly Spence said...


Kellen and Erin said...

Congratulations! We are excited for you guys. We were actually talking about you two the other day and wondering how you were doing. We have a home teacher that's actually named "Bon" after one of AC/DC band members. So, I thought Bono was funny- you definitely could!