Friday, October 17, 2008

Twilight dud

So I joined the band wagon and read the first book in the Twilight series. For a whole year I heard about these books. Gripping, entertaining, best thing since Harry Potter. I searched at the library for them but they were either checked out or on hold for someone else. So I waited. Thought about buying it. Boy, am I glad I didn't. I didn't like the first book and have no desire to read the other ones. I am probably the only warm blooded female in Rexburg that didn't like the book. Mostly my dislike stems from personal preferences. Basically, it just wasn't my cup of tea.

First, I don't like paperback romance novels. This book read like one for more then half of it. I like love stories like Pride and Prejudice were there is conflict in the relationship and you learn about the main characters' personality.

Second, I like to imagine Craig in the role of the main love interest. I couldn't do it. This was due to the fact of so many cheesy lines. Now I like a little cheese now and then but not for 17 chapters. This was so annoying I couldn't disgrace Craig by placing him in the lead role.

Third, I like conflict in a story. Emotional, physical or mental. Usually conflict brings people together. Conflict played a major role in this book. Vampire loves human. Vampire's family doesn't approve of human. Community doesn't approve of the vampire family. Vampire and human defy the status quo. I don't think it was developed very effectively. The only major conflict in the book that was developed at all occurred in the last 5 chapters but by that time I was so disgusted by the romance novel aspect that the action was a complete bore. I am hoping the movie is much better.

I hate picking up a book that is a disappointment. That bothers me more then anything.

On the positive side this quote from Stephine Meyer's Twilight that I did find interesting.
Edward being a vampire does not feed on humans. Bella asked why.
"But you see, just because we've been...delt a certain doesn't mean that we can't choose to rise above--to conquer the boundaries of a destiny that none of us wanted."(307) Has a bit of a Gospel ring to it.
If you like paper back romance novels then read it, you won't be disappointed.

1 comment:

The Pingel Family said...

Nina I agree wholeheartedly with you. Except that I continued to read all four. After I read the third one I said I had no desire to continue because not only was I downright bored sometimes, but the love story was a little nauseating. But I got talked into finishing. The fourth was better...but yeah definitely not a book I would buy. I thought Bella was a little too obsessed with Edward...yeah she was in high school and that is what high schoolers do, but still. Anyway, I am glad someone feels the same way!