Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Riley's birthday

I have forgotten if I posted pics of Riley's birthday. So he wanted a pig pinata, which we made together. He wore bunny ears and a cape for super bunny a max and ruby character and dirt cake which he refused to eat. His friend Jon came but didn't get to stay for the dirt cake. Riley had a lot of fun.

This summer

We took a trip to Spirit Lake area and found a free beach to swim in. Tried to fix the pic of eliza.

Our garden

My squashes did wonderful, except for the pumpkin. Three grew but only one was ripe before our first frost. We had loads of green tomatoes for fried green tomato sandwiches Hopefully next summer we will have red tomatoes and green peppers.

Happy Halloween

Riley was a dinosausar/dragon and Eliza was a ladybug/ princess lady bug since she instisted on wearing her princess skirt. Riley lasted about 45min then he was done and EJ ended up riding in our wagon. I made a ghost family tree. Sticks in a white pitcher with tissue ghosts for everyone in the family including the cat.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Lipstick and balloons

So, Riley and Eliza found my hooker red lipstick. I asked Riley why he decided to smear it all over his face. He said that they were playing dress up and needed makeup. Riley was a a princess and apparently Eliza was a chicken. I took the kids to see "Mr. Twister" a guy who makes balloon animals. Mr. Twister made a sea turtle and donated it to the library so everyone could enjoy it.